Our third themed LRS show takes us into the realm of the Psychedelic...and we're not just talking tie-dye! This show will take you on a journey of transformation and transcendence, exploration and self-discovery...all while entertaining you with the sexiest performers in town. Visionary artwork, psychedelic music, blacklight body painting, yoga, dance, aerials, and the most far-out dessert piece we've ever done - all of this and more awaits you at the LRS Psychedelic show.
Please arrive between 8:30 and 9:00 at our offices and gallery at 406 Dexter Ave. N. and we will escort you over to the main space as we prepare to begin the evening.
Where: 750 Harrison Street
How Much: $30
Tickets can be purchased in advance at Brown Paper Tickets or reserved by calling (206) 328-4758
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